Orly Levitan is the Chief Scientific of a cool startup called HyGIeacare Inc. While being in charge of the growing company's scientific program, she maintained her affiliation with Rutgers University. Post leaving her full-time research professor appointment with the university, she also co-created the curriculum and course work of the Project Management Consortium (PMC) of the Cheeky Scientist Association (CSA). In this episode, we talk about her transition to industry, keeping in touch with where you scientifically “came from”, and her love for teaching and mentoring.
Hygieacare - https://hygieacare.com/for-physicians/publications/
CSA in general - https://cheekyscientist.com/,
CSA Project Management (PMC) program - https://cheekyscientist.com/career-programs/project-management-consortium/
Photo credit - Tess Scheflan https://tess-scheflan.squarespace.com/
Music - Funkorama by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3788-funkorama
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/